Friday, December 09, 2005


having my off now since wednesday.. monday was the posting to my new company.. somehow or rather i got into alpha company or otherwise known as apache company. word got around that it was the worst company in 2 SIR but it turned out to the exact opposite. the CSM is slack.. very slack! woo hoo!! that means good news to me.. lolz. most of the secom there are regulars.. so most likely the new specs like me will just be their 2nd-In-Charge. tuesday & wednesday was outfield but no appointment was confirmed yet during that time so we were tasked as observers which means doing nothing at all.. it was pretty boring but its better than digging up our own grave.. haha.

upon reaching back to our company line.. we had a little brief with the CSM. it seems that he doesn't have a clue to what to do with us, the new specs. since the position of secom in the company is currently occupied. so me & another friend will be going thru the platoon sergeant course due in february for roughly about 2 months. for some of you guys who doesn't know what the course is... well.. fast forward.. i'll get a rise in rank after the course is completed.. hahaha.. but what it means to me is a roof top over my 3rd sergeant rank so as to withstand all the pressure from those senior in ranks. right now my rank is just collecting all the stress & responsiblities.. haha.. i've a feeling some of you who read this might not understand.. well too bad.. find out for yourself! haha..

zouk-out tmr night! ciao guys!