went to the hospital earlier for check-up on my ankle. everything is fine so the surgery will be held this coming thursday. its gonna be touch-n-go operation, meaning i'll be "reporting" at 9am, i'll be awake throughout the whole procedure. they are gonna inject the stuff around my ankle, i forgot what it is called, cut my ankle open, unscrew the screws & remove the metal plate. i'll probably be discharge in the afternoon. i'm hoping for a fast recovery.
me & my mum went to geylang to shop around for clothes & other accessories after the visit to the hospital. i was feeling grumpy due to the lack of sleep so i went home first. hahaha.. i bought a light purple "baju kurung", a malay traditional clothing. its wasn't very nice i think, but i don't give a damn cos it was hard to find a nice pair plus it was drizzling plus i was having a major headache plus the lack of sleep. hahaha..
my dear just started on her assignment so she'll be busy. she still wanna chat with me in ICQ but i would rather want her to get more sleep. *hugs hugs* love ya dear. take care.