gonna have my operation later, i'm kinda scared but its probably nothing. it will soon pass. however i reckon that its gonna be a much more painful experience than the previous surgery. mainly cos of the injection. the procedure is pretty much the same as removing my wisdom tooth. the wisdom tooth took just 2 shot of injection. hmmm.. i wonder how much more i'll be receiving for my ankle? the thought of having my ankle sliced open right before my eyes is just gruesome as i'll still be able to feel the doctor tugging the flesh. hahaha.. but its cool! it would be awesome if i could bring back the metal plate & the screws, but i don't think there's any such possiblity. oh well.. too bad then.
i went out earlier to treat myself before the operation. i bought something worth.. 119 bucks i think? hmm.. not too sure.. haha. however the thing that i really really wanted is just priceless. which is love. if i could obtain that then it would just be heaven. i'm willing to risk any pain or absolutely anything withing my capability for that matter. i hope the operation would be life threatening, it would be great!. hahaha.. just kidding. =P
anyway i need to get some rest now. getting kinda sleepy. good night people & have a nice day dear. take care of yourself. =)