Friday, September 24, 2004

Reality Check

it feels as though i've just woken up from a never-ending nightmare.. laying down on a my deathbed, bound by some invisble force. not able to get free. it seems as though time has slowed down on me.. it might have actually stop at some point...

life is hard when it is heading down a pitfall.. we could never predict it in time to avoid it. but we would eventually get out of it; something that involves luck & a helping hand. well.. i'm still waiting for that to happen. as for right now, i'll just have to deal with the ugly side of life on my own. a strong mind & will power would probably help.. but do i have any? hmm.. time will tell..

In Mother Nature, the energy spent by real Irises to attract pollinators is impressive. Wonderful colors and details attract and assist nectar-seeking guests. While there isn't a biological imperative for the Iris Nebula shown here - its color and detail certainly does invite anyone that searches the heavens to stop and take in this delicate vista.