bloody crap!!! was supposed to go out for a game of street soccer but it rain! that would be fine. but as i was packing the stuffs for the game before the rain came pouring down, i could not find my le coq sportif sling bag!!! argh!! fuck fuck fuck. i don't really care if the bag is burned or shreded into pieces. its the stuffs inside that i really care about. stuffs that are very very personal to me. full of sentimental stuffs. damn it. damn it. i wonder if it was misplaced during the shifting of my new cupboard. was it thrown away by accident? or maybe it is in school? sigh.. i'll be going to school on monday morning to check then. hopefully its there. sigh.. only the 2 day of the new year & my luck is already going downwards. argh!! i've a feeling this is gonna be the worst year for me. damn it damn it.