Thursday, September 23, 2004

Lost Moments

its been a long long time since i last blog. there has been alot of changes for me therefore i was having a terrible time coping with all of it. anyway nothing great & exciting had happen to me..

right now i have time on hands, alot of time. i've just finished my project review and it went unexpectedly well. they panel of reviewers came at around 2 in the afternoon last friday. i was sleeping when they came cos i was very sleepy & i blame it all to watching soccer the night before. i was also finishing up on my progress report which i have to fill in the stuffs i did during the project days, they termed it as a log-book. as i'd mentioned earlier i was sleeping, my project mates tried waking me up but i had my earphones on. so the whole scene was kinda funny. anyway the review took only 5 mins! and they didn't lectured us for the first time ever! incredible! they were all praises towards our achievements & improvement though our project didn't really achieved the expected result. the review was especially easy for me cos i didn't even had to say a single word as they only had a couple of questions, & partly cos i was 'stoned' throughout the whole presentation. so now i'd only need to come to school once per week.. well actually twice but i'm skipping lecture!

anyway the completion of my project is no thanks to our supervisor, he's the worst of all the supervisors compared to those i've heard from my friends. a whole year with him & i wonder if he really is a lecturer? he doesn't seem to have much knowledge as he dumped all the workloads, my project mates & i to the technical staffs in charge of my project room. he's just a fucker who wears the same blue shirt and black pants everday. i'm actually bored to death at home. i've rested for two straight days, drinking and smoking. just relaxing my overstressed mind. after that i didn't have much to do, i'm just feeling lazier & lazier by the day. basically what i do today is pretty much the same as yesterday. well.. take care guys..

my daily routine:

  1. staying awake at night; watching soccer matches, downloading videos e.t.c
  2. asleep in the daytime by noon.
  3. wake up in the late evening & bathe if i stinks, if not then i'll just wash my face & probably go out to run errands for myself; beers & smokes.
  4. reach home slightly drunk & have my dinner.